

Automatic Delivery

Why Automatic Delivery is a Wise Choice

picture of CMP Energy propane delivery truck and driver

Since we live in a place characterized by an extremely cold and snowy climate, heating systems become a mandate for us. To prevent yourself and your family from suffering the ill effects of a harsh winter, it’s important that you maintain a good heating system at your home. Whether you heat your home with oil or propane, you want to be certain you don’t run out. As an automatic delivery customer, you’ll have the peace of mind knowing that you’ll always have enough fuel on hand. Here are some benefits that make automatic delivery a wise choice:

  • The fuel can be delivered to your home even when you are not there. Our driver just leaves a bill at your doorstep, which you can pay over the phone, online, in person or by mail.
  • Based on your past delivery history and no change in your usage, rest assured that CMP will deliver to your tank when it dips to a 1/4 full.

If you’re interested in signing up for automatic delivery, give us a call at 814-342-3620 or contact us today. One of our customer service representatives will get you started right away!

If you are interested in propane safety, please check out our safety page or visit propane.com.